miilees' niightmaaree nootees

ii doon't knoow iif anyyoonee iis goonaa seeee thiis, buut iif yyoouu doo, theen hii ii gueess.

ii'vee beeeen haaviing niightmaarees foor aas loong aas ii caan reemeembeer.

soo ii deeciideed too maakee thiis weebsiitee aas aa waayy oof nootiing aall thee thiings ii reemeembeer froom myy niightmaarees.

aand hoopee ii caan maakee aa coonneectiioon... soomeewheeree.

mooree oof aa coonneectiioon thaan thee weeiird... creeaatuuree? ii thiink.. thaat aappeeaars beefooree eeveeryythiing gooees too shiit, aat leeaast.


Time slept:2:17:31

The creature Was there Again like I though It would Be

i Usually call It phantom

And im Pretty sure Its only In my Dreams

but I swear I see It sometimes

In the Corner of My eye

When im Waking up

When im Just about To go To sleep




Am i Going Crazy

would I even Know

am I right Back where I started Fourteen years Ago




my name is miles and i am real

my name is miles and i am real

my name is miles and i am real

my name is miles and i am real

my name is miles and i am real


Time slept:03:10:41

iits beeeen a feew hoouurs siincee ii wookee uup

thiis iis proobaablyy thee vaaguueest dreeaam iivee haad iin aa whiilee

ii reeaallyy doont reemeembeer aanyy oof iit

whiich iis coonceeriing, coonsiideeriing hoow muuch iim uusuuaallyy aablee too reemeembeer

myy heeaad's beeeen huurtiing soomeethiing fiieercee aall daayy thoouugh

soo ii aassuumee iit haas soomeethiing too doo wiith thaat


Time slept:01:09:56

I broke Another mirror

Thats another Hundred dollars Down the Fuckin Drain

there Was something There

i Dont know What the Fuck it Was

but I swear To God there Was something There


Time slept:00:45:33

Fuck fuck Fuck fuck Fuck


Time slept:17:00:00

good ii feeeel liikee shiit

moommaa saayys ii sleept foor seeveenteen houurs, iim iincliineed too beeliieevee heer.


Time slept:05:26:58


Time slept:01:56:03